Posts with the tag “jenn-schmidt”

Not About Us
August 24th, 2022
"But God, I'm not a college graduate. I'm not perfect, I'm not smart enough." Ok I'll be really honest with you. I have used this sooo many stinkin' times. And still do sometimes. Moses tried this exc...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
Take My Yoke Upon You
August 2nd, 2022
The word “labour” in verse 28 is from the Greek word kopaio, which describes the most wearisome kind of labor. This is a person who is giving everything he has to a project or assignment. He is strivi...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
On Purpose, For a Purpose
July 12th, 2022
God loved, chased down, forgave and redeemed Saul, not because of anything he had done, but because of who he was: His son. His real identity was not dependent on anything he could earn or what his ea...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
Hungry For the Good Stuff
June 14th, 2022
I don’t mean hungry as in ‘I’ve got the munchies,’ or ‘it must be getting close to dinner time’ type of a hunger. I mean the hunger that you feel when you haven’t had anything to eat at all in days or...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
Love is In the Little Things
February 28th, 2022
It’s in the little things.... Jesus didn’t command us to go out and do something BIG - He showed us how love in the little things too. Why? Because the little things matter more than you or I could im...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
The Waiting
January 11th, 2022
It is in that time of waiting what seems like forever for promises to come to pass, that we find it so easy to give up hope and give up faith that we will see things start to happen. It feels so easy ...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
November 30th, 2021
“Huh? You want me to go back over there?” – as usual, I thought God must be crazy because He KNOWS I don’t like bugs. Not one bit. I wondered if it finally happened - God must have cracked! Right? Bu...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt
Those Moments
September 8th, 2021
As I drove towards work after dropping her off, God whispered to me “those moments with you mean a lot to me too”. That’s when I was reminded that God is our daddy. Those moments we spend with Him, w...  Read More
by Jenn Schmidt



