Thunderstorms and Rainbows

Recently at a Pursuit meeting at our church, I saw a vision in the spirit…I saw a room with a blacked-out window, this window was floor to ceiling, like sliding glass patio doors. Although these windows were huge, darkness was all I could see, all that was there… I prayed and said “Jesus where are you?”

When I called out to Jesus, seeking His face, the darkness cleared and the light shone through. As it did I could see that the window was beautiful stained glass, floor to ceiling. The whole room was lit up as lit up as the brilliant light of God shone through… The song “Came to My Rescue” says: I called, You answered, and You came to my rescue, and I want to be where You are” The awesome thing is that when we call out, He reveals a himself in every situation!
The Hebrew word for face is often translated “presence”, by seeking His face, you seek His presence, and He promises in 1 Chronicles 28:9 if you seek Him, He will be found by you.
When the light shone through the stained glass it shot rainbows all over the room, it was beautiful. Rainbows signify God’s covenant promise of protection over us in Genesis 9:13-15 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.

This beautiful, brilliant arc of light has even deeper meaning, each colour is significant.
Red: The Blood of Jesus, the precious blood that was shed to save us all
Orange: fire, refining fire that changes us from what we were to what God wants us to be
Yellow: God’s perfect light, the light that shines from within us when we are carriers of His presence
Green: the earth, spring grass and trees…newness and new birth
Blue: the water, the oceans and the seas, the waters of baptism
Indigo: heavenly grace 
Violet: royalty, majesty

Rainbows appear after mighty storms…I feel that the person in the vision had just gone through a mighty storm, or many, so hard that they couldn’t see the light any longer. It had gotten so dark In this persons life and God felt so distant as they took hit after hit from life, from other people, even from themselves. But they finally heard that “Still Small Voice” that reminded them, to call out for Jesus. The one who never leaves nor forsakes us, He is always there, just waiting for us to cry out. Psalm 145:18 The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. All you have to do is call out!
When we cry out to Him and seek His face in the storm, that’s when He can and will stop the storm and it’s purpose can be revealed. 1 Peter 10 (Amp) is a verse I have leaned on in the past…and leaned pretty hard at times After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace (who imparts His blessing and favour), who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm and establish you (making you what you ought to be)
It is in these times, in these storms of life that He can really work in us, changing, refining and healing us.

In Revelation 4:3 the rainbow is as seen the symbol of hope and the bright emblem of mercy and love, all the more true as a symbol because it is reflected from the storm itself.
Please let this be an encouragement to you, whatever you are dealing with, walking through, suffering “for a little while” with, it is after the Thunderstorm that we see the Rainbows.
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