Victory CHurch
Grande Prairie 

Victory Church Grande Prairie is more than a church.
It's a family - a family that wants to welcome you to come connect, to worship and to serve with us.
We are a charismatic, spirit-filled church that has contemporary worship, inspiring media, and relevant Bible teaching.
We strive to be a place where you will experience real people, in a family atmosphere, who are passionate about seeking God’s purpose, passion and presence in our lives.  


Victory Church Grande Prairie is a multi-generational, multi-cultural family - passionately pursuing God and HIS purposes on the earth.
To reach every available person, at every available time, by every available means, with the gospel of Jesus Christ; Mentoring spiritual maturity - empowering a life of purpose for the glory of God. 


In this family we ....
Put God First - We follow HIs leading in all things. In gatherings, relationships, finances, vision - He is always first.
Show Hospitality - We welcome everyone, and we love well. We love because HE first loved us.
Support One Another  - God puts the solitary in families. No one is meant to do life alone. We grow and thrive best in community.
Look For Opportunities - We look for opportunities to help, serve, give, and love. We are blessed to be a blessing.  
Serve With Excellence - As we serve others - we serve God. He deserves our best. 

Are you new Here?  We welcome you! 

Please take time to introduce yourself through the I'M NEW CONNECTION CARD - we would love to be able to say Hi back! Don't forget to check out our ministries page to get connected to others, and pop on over to meet the team!