What Time is it For You?

By Pastor George Sarkodie
Executive Pastor
 What Time is It for You?

In the Bible, there are several cases to support the fact that time is an essential element and a great gift from God. For instance, at the time of creation, God created the sun and the moon, and assigned them the duty to control times and seasons.  
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and year” Gen. 1:14

I am sure you would agree with me that, in life, a person cannot just do anything at any time. For instance, it would be very awkward to put on summer wear in winter.
This is because God has designed times and seasons to help us determine what should and should not be done. in other words, times and seasons determine activities.
From this perspective, the success or failure of many, if not all activities in life are largely determined by the times and seasons in which they were done.  

Once again, let me use the weather scenario. For those of us living here in Northern Alberta, we know very well that planting gardens in an open field in winter is equal to embarking on a useless adventure. Because there is no way one could see a beautiful garden in a -35 degrees weather (Please correct me if there are exceptions 5020202020Recent


