Origins & Outcomes
Origins and Outcomes
Isa 44:6
(Circle image here)
Theism: God is the infinite and absolute creator and ground of everything and everyone: the source and destination of all life, being, knowledge, and action
Rom 12:2
Heb 13:14 NLT
“Christ is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all” Hudson Taylor
Key elements of any world view:
1) Origin - Where do we cone from?
2) Meaning - Is there meaning or value to life?
3) Morality - Is there such a thing as absolute moral truth?
4) Destiny - Where is this going?
Questions answered by worldview:
1) Origin - Identity. Who am I?
2) Meaning - What is my purpose?
3) Morality - How should I live?
4) Destiny - What happens when I die?
1) Origin
Jn 1:1-3
2) Meaning
Isa 43:7
“It’s not so much about God’s wonderful plan for our lives - it’s about our lives for God’s wonderful plan” Greg Koukl
3) Morality
2 Tim 3:16
Jn 10:10
4) Destiny
2 Cor 5:10
Rom 6:23
Jn 3:16