The Christmas Story Needs To Be Shared Generation To Generation

Pastor Charlotte Quist

The meaning of Christmas should be passed on from one generation to the next

There is an entire generation of people who have no idea what the Christmas story even is much less what it is all about, but the praises of God, of His works, and the declaration of what He has done should be passed from one generation to the next. The revelation of God's judgement against sin and salvation through Jesus Christ, the revelation of His GREAT LOVE for us, so much so that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to redeem us from sin and death, is the most important truth of all time, and should not be withheld from one person to another, or from generation to generation. This Christmas, don't let the Christmas story and the light of the truth be hidden, but declare the goodness and the glorious works of God in the land of the living!