Incredible Discovery about the nature of LIGHT, Time, and GOD

For thousands of years, the bible has declared that God IS LIGHT. 1 John 1:5 says God is light and in many other places God is revealed as unapproachable light. Jesus Himself says, “I am the light of the world,” and was witnessed by his disciples shining brightly on the mountain of transfiguration.

In recent discoveries with breakthroughs in physics and the technology we use to do experiments, Einstein’s theory of relativity has been tested and shown very accurate results. From Atomic clocks flying around the world to the large hadron collider smashing particles to explore their makeup, we have seen that things moving faster relative to things stationary seem to experience time differently, with the passing of time slowing down the faster you go. Photons, moving at the speed of light do not experience the passing of time or moving through space at all. They simply exist everywhere and at every time all at once.

So we have recently proven that light exists everywhere at every time all at once, and it is incredible to think that the bible has said for thousands of years: God is light, and He exists everywhere at every time all at once.






#light #god #jesus #christian #amen #bible