The Path of Purpose
Ps 139:16
Ps 23:1-3
Ps 57:2
Acts 2:14-16,38-47
1) Peter’s first encounter with Jesus
Jn 1:35-37, 40-42
Purpose and destiny do not start with “What am I supposed to DO?” - They start with “Who do you say I AM?”
2) Peter’s second encounter with Jesus
Mt 4:18-20
“Peter was not called to be an evangelist before he was called to be a follower….You must first be called yourselves into Christ before you may dare to even so much think about being called into ministry or into the service of Christ. You cannot serve Him until first of all you have learned to sit at His feet. Before you serve God you must have a new heart and a right spirit” Charles Spurgeon
3) Peter’s third encounter with Jesus
Luke 5:1-11
4) Peter’s BIG encounter with Jesus
Mt 16:13-19
5) Peter’s big learning curve
Mt 16:21-23
Luke 22:31-32
Acts 4:13