Restoring the Roar
Oct 24, 2021 • Pastor Charlotte Quist
ROAR: A full, deep, prolonged cry. Great in intensity
1) We are Victorious
2 Cor 2:14
1 Cor 15:57
Romans 8:35&37
Romans 8:31
Rom 8:18
2 Cor 4:16-18
Eph 6:11-13
2) The victory is claimed through relationship
What we access had everything to do with how much we want to walk in relationship
1 Sam 17
3) The victory is spiritual with natural benefits
The roar you feel on the inside is meant to be directed and released
3 Key Elements to the ROAR
a) Prayer and intercession
b) Declaring and enforcing the Word
c) Praise and Worship
Ps 34:15&17
Isa 55:11
Ps 43:5
Acts 2:1-2