Waiting For You - Hope

Waiting For You - HOPE

ADVENT: adventus - the coming or the arrival 

Jn 1:14

1Thess 4:16-17


a) Jesus came

b) He dwell among us by the Holy Spirit

c) He is returning and we will see Him face to face 

1) Anticipation

Isa 9:2&6

Micah 5:2

Jn 3:16&17

Luke 2:30-31

2) Assessment

“You look forward by looking backward, trusting nothing but God’s character” The Bible Project 

Ps 42:5

3) Acceptance 

Jn 1:10-12

Rom 15:13

Rom 4:17-21

4) Action

Heb 11:1

1Pet 1;13