Stewarding Heaven's Resources

Prophetic Word 2025: STEWARDING Heaven's Resources | Pastor George Sarkodie

Jesus tells a parable to teach us about STEWARDING what GOD put in us and the accountability that comes with what heaven has entrusted to us in this life.

In this prophetic message from Pastor George Sarkodie, and exhortation starting into 2025, God is calling us to faithful stewardship of heaven's resources, of faith, hope, love, forgiveness, and even how to be a master of mammon, an not be mastered BY mammon. Jesus instructed us to USE our mammon to "make friends for ourselves," for eternity. When we are faithful or Unfaithful with the things of THIS WORLD which will all be taken away from us at the end of our stewardship, and at the end of our natural lives, we will stand before God and give account either way.

God wants to EMPOWER us through this prophetic word for 2025 to grow in our capacity as stewards of heavenly resources, and to multiply the talent that has been entrusted to us to bring glory to the name of God and the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.